RETREAT: \Ri-tret\ Webster's dictionary defines this as (1) an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult or dangerous. (2) A period of withdrawal.
Have you ever faced
rejection? Was it your job? Was it a spouse? Girlfriend, boyfriend? Maybe it was a friend or group of friends. How about family? Let me ask you this, do you ever reject yourself?
Being rejected has put many of us in very bad places. Facing rejection can damage your self esteem, make you second guess your abilities, your worth, and tempt you to alienate your true person.
Often rejections are blessing in disguise? Although it's hard to see that when you're going through it, sometimes you look back and see that you are much better off without the drama in your life anyway. Sometimes you realize had you gone down that path it would have been a dead end, maybe not what you expected, or you never would have had the opportunity to enjoy what's in front of you right now.

Do you know most of the rejection we allow ourselves to get down about is purely irrelevant? Want to know why? Because, at that point we've allowed ourselves to be judged by another person's view point. We have accepted how others feel about us as true or fact or the final ruling. Think about it, some of the most successful people were rejected many times before they became successful. How many estranged parents or family members mysteriously reach back out to you after they realized your self-worth? How many x-spouses, girlfriend, or boyfriend look back and realized they made a bad decision. How many of your peers who said you wouldn't amount to anything now stand in amazement of your accomplishments?
Listen, life is too short to waist on what someone else thinks or feels about you. Take your moment to vent by all means; but find a way to not dwell on it. Dwelling on it only causes you to remain in a bad place.
Take the time to
RETREAT (withdraw from the negativity). Make the effort to gravitate around things that make you happy. Take a good look at yourself. Start to focus on what you like about you. Be your best friend, encourage yourself and remind yourself that every day you wake up you get another shot at showing the world who you are and what you’re really made of.
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