
Previous posts

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just Darn Cute

How cute are these?

Courtesy of the Internet

Courtesy of the Internet

Courtesy of the Internet

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Nature Therapy

One day while out jogging on a near by trail, I stopped to stretch.  As I stood up, I took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from my eyes.  When I looked around, it was like I was in another world.  The nature around me seemed especially beautiful, breath taking to be exact.

Have you ever had the opportunity to enjoy what nature has to offer?

It can bring serenity to a chaotic, stress-filled life.

From the clouds in the sky to the uniquely sculptured landscapes,  the flowers infused with every color of the rainbow, and the trees full of leaves in different shapes and textures.

Nature is beautiful.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


3 reasons why journaling can be a wonderful way to retreat.

 An outlet:  Journaling allows you to express your thoughts and feelings on paper.  It gives you an opportunity to release your emotions and deal with them as you choose.  Journaling creates a world free from outside judgment, bias, and criticism. 

Clarity:  Reviewing your past journal entries allow you to reflect.  You often get a better understanding of feelings and past decisions. It also allows you recognize your growths and struggles.

Stress reduction:  Journaling helps you clear the clutter from your mind.  It's also a great tool for emotional healing.

 Help someone find there happy place today,  pass it on.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Just Darn cute!

In this section I will periodically share some pictures as well as other things that I find quite interesting.
Please make note, some items are courtesy of the internet.

OK, maybe not so cute but this is too funny
Gillette subway ads

If you've been in a subway lately you may have seen these B. O. ads by Gillette.

I'm sure a lot of you have B. O. zone stories to share.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Do you have a few minutes?

OK, I know I keep rambling on and on about taking time out for yourself.  Let me be the first to say I am probably the worst at carving out that time.  I talk about that on my “about me “page.  Finding time for yourself can be just as difficult as finding time for the 1000 other things on your to-do list.  Sometimes it’s just not realistic to have a weekend all to yourself, or take a day off work to just do nothing, or plan a totally relaxing trip, or just simply get in bed at a decent time and get enough rest to start the dog race all over again.

Here are a few quick and easy ways to incorporate some me time into your already hectic schedules.

Mornings:   Set your alarm clock 30 minutes earlier than everyone else.  Take a morning shower and listen to your favorite CD.  I particularly like the relaxing sounds of Feng Shui.  Adding a revitalizing body wash and a scented fragrant candle can be a great way to start your morning.

Afternoons:  Do lunch by yourself.  Next time load up a great comedy on the IPod or MP3 player to listen to while eating. Go find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.  Loose the shoes, slip on the slippers and get comfortable even if it’s just for a little while.

Evenings:  After you check off all the things on your evening to –do list.  Take a walk outside, even if it’s to the mailbox and get some fresh air. Sit in a quiet room by yourself for a few minutes and practice diaphragmatic breathing to bring you to a state of relaxation.   Have a cup of lavender tea or sip a glass of red wine to wind down.  

These ideas may not be much but they definitely help and are great ways to start taking time for yourself.

Help someone find there happy place.  Pass it on.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Say bye bye





Monday, September 20, 2010

Lavender Monday

RETREAT: \Ri-tret\ Webster's dictionary defines this as (1) an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult or dangerous. (2) A period of withdrawal.

Lavender Mondays

Sometimes Mondays can be exhausting.  So, if you're feeling especially tired today here's a great recipe to unwind.

Lavender Tea~

To make lavender tea, simply infuse a handful of dried lavender blossoms in a pot of boiling water. Let the tea steep for about 7 to 10 minutes 

then strain, add a few tea spoons of dried honey and enjoy. 
In a pinch, just buy the lavender tea bags.                  


Lavender Mineral bath~
 Light a few tea light lavender candles and add lavender minerals to a nice warm bath.

It's said to relieve muscle pain, migraines and 
other headaches, and inflammation.  It also 
may help to relieve insomnia.
Add a nice cap full of lavender mineral bath

Lavender Oil~

After your bath, apply mildly heated lavender oil to your body

and slip into your lavender robe 

and read a lavender book

in your lavender bed. 

OK maybe that was a bit much.   

You get the point.

Enjoy your lavender Monday!  


Saturday, September 18, 2010


RETREAT: \Ri-tret\ Webster's dictionary defines this as (1) an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult or dangerous. (2) A period of withdrawal.

Have you ever faced rejection? Was it your job? Was it a spouse? Girlfriend, boyfriend?  Maybe it was a friend or group of friends. How about family? Let me ask you this, do you ever reject yourself?

Being rejected has put many of us in very bad places. Facing rejection can damage your self esteem,  make you second guess your abilities, your worth, and tempt you to alienate your true person.

Often rejections are blessing in disguise? Although it's hard to see that when you're going through it, sometimes you look back and see that you are much better off without the drama in your life anyway. Sometimes you realize had you gone down that path it would have been a dead end, maybe not what you expected, or you never would have had the opportunity to enjoy what's in front of you right now.

Do you know most of the rejection we allow ourselves to get down about is purely irrelevant? Want to know why? Because, at that point we've allowed ourselves to be judged by another person's view point.  We have accepted how others feel about us as true or fact or the final ruling.  Think about it, some of the most successful people were rejected many times before they became successful. How many estranged parents or family members mysteriously reach back out to you after they realized your self-worth?   How many x-spouses, girlfriend, or boyfriend look back and realized they made a bad decision. How many of your peers who said you wouldn't amount to anything now stand in amazement of your accomplishments?

Listen, life is too short to waist on what someone else thinks or feels about you. Take your moment to vent by all means; but find a way to not dwell on it. Dwelling on it only causes you to remain in a bad place.

Take the time to RETREAT (withdraw from the negativity).  Make the effort to gravitate around things that make you happy. Take a good look at yourself. Start to focus on what you like about you.  Be your best friend, encourage yourself and remind yourself that every day you wake up you get another shot at showing the world who you are and what you’re really made of.

Help someone find their happy place.  Pass it on....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


 RETREAT \Ri-tret\  Webster's dictionary defines this as (1) an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult or dangerous. (2) A period of withdrawal.

Today I passed a homeless person on my way to work. 

He said to me, "this will make you smile".  He tossed several small pieces of a half eaten blueberry muffin up in the air and as soon as they hit the ground, to my amazement a little squirrel picked a  piece up and brought it back to him "as if to share".  We laughed. We can do this all day he mumbled. As I continue on to my destination I was saddened at the fact
that he was homeless.  Then it hit me;
even in his situation he found time to RETREAT. 

Take time to enjoy the simple things in life.

Help someone find their happy place today.  Pass it on.....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Taking time for yourself_ part 2

Me time ~

One can retreat in the most unconventional places.

One can retreat during the most unusual times.

Make time

We can sure learn a lot ~


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