RETREAT: \Ri-tret\ Webster's dictionary defines this as (1) an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult or dangerous. (2) A period of withdrawal.
Today I passed a homeless person on my way to work.
He said to me, "this will make you smile". He tossed several small pieces of a half eaten blueberry muffin up in the air and as soon as they hit the ground, to my amazement a little squirrel picked a piece up and brought it back to him "as if to share". We laughed. We can do this all day he mumbled. As I continue on to my destination I was saddened at the fact
that he was homeless. Then it hit me;
even in his situation he found time to RETREAT.
Take time to enjoy the simple things in life.
Help someone find their happy place today. Pass it on.....
I know I will be taking time out! Thanks for this!